this is us

this is us

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


AKA Apple Pancakes.
My husbands favorite german dish! 
He had been asking  his mom to make it, so last week she did. 
And she taught me how too :) 

It's fairly simple!

However  I have no measurements, because she just makes it. 
Depending on how many you are making you would add more eggs and milk.
The goal is to make a batter that looks like this: 

Then heat some oil in a frying pan 
add some apples 

pour on the batter 

Cook until it's a beautiful brown and will with-hold a flip

Flip & cook 


Make more 


Of course serve HOT! 

The boys like to add sugar on top. 
Then it's kinda like a funnel cake. Kinda. 

You can mix it up and add anything to the pancake you want (instead of apples) it will just have a different name ;) 

The next day we had them with bacon. 

Sometimes she makes them really thin, then we roll them up with butter lettuce and some kind of dressing on the lettuce. 

So if you want some, come over and I'll make my first batch by myself :)